by Mark Venegas
For various years, after 2008, the sale of lots to build on in Tamarindo was almost unheard of, as well as construction of new homes. This bringing the development of new homes or businesses to a standstill. Since then, in general, the market has been recovering with multiple Homes and Condos being sold, prices stabilizing, and the apparent need for new homes in Tamarindo growing more and more. With the quality inventory reduced like this many buyers were met with this reality, and for about the last three years something interesting has been happening, people are back to buying lots, and almost immediately submitting plans to obtain building permits.
During this same time frame multiple lots have been purchased and there have been over 15 new homes built (a couple still under construction). There are also a number of lot owners awaiting building permits, so more new homes are coming.
It’s nice to see new projects developing here again. There are still some nice ocean view lots available, a couple beachfront, and others at short walks to the beach ready for you to build your tropical dream on. Give us a call and we’ll be happy to assist you in finding your piece of Tamarindo.