We live in a beautiful coastal area with a low density of population compared to living in a city. Even though there are no huge residential developments around, there is always someone willing to sell his/her property for different reasons. In the real estate business, there are good opportunities to perform as Tamarindo and its surrounding areas are a popular destination.
Some sellers have a well-thought sales price pretension. It might be arbitrary, based on what the property cost them, on neighboring properties they´ve seen sold or on their motivation to sell. Every case is particular and I have run into all sorts of sellers. Some are very stiff on the price they consider their property is worth, others are very motivated to sell soon hence are very flexible.
I have even had clients wanting to jack up their prices when there are several buyer prospects and potential offers to come with the argument that ¨they don´t really want to sell¨ unless someone pays their capricious asking price. Others have no idea what their properties are worth and seek advice about it.
Because our line of business consists in putting together buyer and seller and generating these transactions is our main and perhaps the only goal, we want to make sure the properties we list have a right price and our seller´s expectations are satisfied along the process.
As said before, without a high density of urban development and with the heterogeneous offer of properties available in our area, such task of assigning a fair market value to properties is not that easy. Our real estate market is not as structured as the one in your area. Identifying comps and getting reference prices requires expertise that not all actors in our market have.
Luckily, ABC Real Estate´s team has years and years of combined experience and local knowledge. We have a vast database that includes information of properties up and down the coast around Tamarindo. Frequently we surprise people with what we know or can pull out from our files. There are pieces of information we have that are over two decades old. We also run an ongoing data collection that we fed with our listings and those of Real Estate companies all throughout the region. This is a fantastic tool we use both to assess our seller clients and to provide buyers with complete and thorough information of options.
In our daily activities, we frequently interact with colleagues and other professionals and actors in the Real Estate industry. We get from builders and contractors reference on what current building costs are. We know about the status of different condominiums, buildings, developments by our contacts with local property managers. We are up to date with relevant legal situations when we deal with reputable local legal advisors. All these keeps us up to date with the behavior of the market.
All of us here at ABC Real Estate are well-trained professionals. Considering that, our high business ethics and great reputation frequently results in sellers choosing us and trusting our judgment in the management of their listed properties. Colleagues in the area know that as well and reach us when they have buyers because they know we have the good listings and can trust us in the event of a co-brokerage deal. Hence, we are completely capable of giving you as a seller an assessment of the strategies and decisions while listing.
If you are considering in selling your property, please come by. Our doors are open and you will be thrilled with our performance as hundreds of sellers have been over the years.
Credits to: Federico Fernandez