by Jogi Jürgen Gerner, Broker
In case you don’t know it yet, I like to recommend you to check out Waze, an excellent tool to navigate the streets of the world. Especially handy in Costa Rica, since there are no street names. It is entertaining and useful for longer distances and I was very please recently to find a recommended mechanic in San Jose very easily, just type in the name of the business and it brought me right to it’s door. Just download the App for free to your smartphone and you are all set. Get warnings about hazards, police and speed traps, traffic jams etc. Through the Waze community. Roads turn yellow if traffic gets slow or red when there is stand still. You have to activate the GPS (location) feature on your phone which quickly drains your battery, so better connect the charger while using Waze. It is a social App and can be fun as well since you get points for helping the Waze community and you see other “Wazers” on the roads close to you. Waze is Pura Vida… read what The Washington Post said